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Showing Teachers 1-10 of 586
Fatma Mohamed
Private Rate Group Rate
250.00 EGP
200.00 EGP/student

It’s Miss Fatma Mohamed, an experienced science and chemistry teacher for the British and American divisions for 7 years’ experience.

Private Rate Group Rate
150.00 EGP
100.00 EGP/student

I am a an English teacher ,experienced for 14 years of teaching national curriculum for all levels from primary to secondary and I have been…

Private Rate Group Rate
300.00 EGP
250.00 EGP/student

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته 01097177040 Online math teacher Mrs Rehab Mohamed Elmahdy Math teacher secondary and prep stages 25 experience in teaching math faculty…

Riham Zain
Private Rate Group Rate
120.00 EGP
80.00 EGP/student

Im mrs riham zain teacher math for primary, prep1 ihave more 14 years  exp. as math teacher

May Magdy
Private Rate Group Rate
150.00 EGP
100.00 EGP/student

French teacher graduated from lycee la lyberte d’alexandrie Online teacher for more than 4 years via zoom & google meet

mariam Sherif
Private Rate Group Rate
300.00 EGP
150.00 EGP/student

Maths teacher for the fourth and fifth grades of primary school. The explanation is online or at my home in Gardenia City. The class lasts…